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Novels in Translation: Seasonal Associate by Heike Geissler

Novels in Translation: Seasonal Associate by Heike Geissler

Join the Ohio Center for the Book at Clevo Books, a downtown Cleveland bookstore specializing in translated works of literature, for a discussion on Heike Geissler's Season Associate (translated from the German by Katy Derbyshire). 

From the publisher

"No longer able to live on the proceeds of her freelance writing and translating income, German novelist Heike Geissler takes a seasonal job at Amazon Order Fulfillment in Leipzig. But the job, intended as a stopgap measure, quickly becomes a descent into humiliation, and Geissler soon begins to internalize the dynamics and nature of the post-capitalist labor market and precarious work. Driven to work at Amazon by financial necessity rather than journalistic ambition, Heike Geissler has nonetheless written the first and only literary account of corporate flex-time employment that offers “freedom” to workers who have become an expendable resource. Shifting between the first and the second person, Seasonal Associate is a nuanced expose of the psychic damage that is an essential working condition with mega-corporations. Geissler has written a twenty-first-century account of how the brutalities of working life are transformed into exhaustion, shame, and self-doubt."

Thursday, August 15, 2024
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Off-Site location (see description)
Adults Ages 19+
School of Literature

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